Találatok ‘Fürth Éva’

Összesen 18 találat : Fürth Éva.

A Salgótarjáni úti zsidó temető reneszánsza

Írta: Klein Rudolf - Rovat: Hagyomány, Történelem

A 19. századi nagy zsidó temetők olyanok, mint egy hatalmas krónika lapjai, vagy akár az Írás kézzel rótt oldalai, melyeken írásjelekként sorakoznak a síremlékek, a sor- és szóközöket pedig az utak, kiteresedések, bokrok és fák jelenítik meg. Ez az az évszázad, amikor a hagyományos zsidó sírok szűk és katonás egymásutánját felváltja egy differenciáltabb, lazább és beszédesebb elrendezés az emancipáció és asszimiláció nyomán.

Historical Commissions and Reconciliation

Írta: Szombat - Rovat: English, Politika

What Hungarian Jews Need to Learn
Ágnes Peresztegi
This paper was delivered at The International Conference on Confronting History: The Historical Commissions of Inquiry  that discussed the various historical commissions appointed by different governments to deal with the role of their country during the Second World War.  Although Hungary failed to establish such a commission thus far, this does not mean that there were not debates about historical research; or that no studies were completed related to the issues of expropriation, looted property, refugees, war crimes and other relevant aspects of the Holocaust.

The lost contract

Írta: Szombat - Rovat: English

Europe and her Jews (or vice-versa)
András Kovács
The relationship between Europe and her Jews has deteriorated. Complaints of a new European anti-Semitism are voiced increasingly more loudly and ever more often on various Jewish forums – which then re-surface in European public discourse with … Tovább »


Jewish Political and Cultural Magazine

SZOMBAT („Shabbat”) is a Jewish political and cultural magazine. After the first issue came out in November 1989, it has been published without interruption, ten times a year. When starting the magazine, the editors decided to deal with all facets of Jewish … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English


Hungarian government set up a fund for han­dling the property of those Jews who were killed in the war and left no family behind. The Fund never actually had any considerable prop­erty to look after and was soon made useless, though it never was closed legally. The unsolved problem of compensating … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, Egyéb, English

The May issue of Szombat begins with an essay by Gershom Scholem, “Israel and the Diaspora”, which is also intended as a tribute to Jom Ha-Atzmaut, that was celebrated at the end of April. With this essay we hope to draw the attention of the Jewish community to a problem that resurfaces time and … Tovább »
