A Westbury Group szemináriuma Budapesten
A Westbury Group három napos, angol nyelvű szemináriumot rendez
Budapesten június 27 és 29 között olyan jelentkezők számára, akik a
magyarországi zsidó közösségi életet gazdagítják programjaikkal,
szervezetükkel, vagy kezdeményezéseikkel. A jelentkezési lapokat május
30-ig kérik eljuttatni a felhívásban megadott címre.
2011. május 22.
- Do you have an exciting idea for a programme that will enrich Jewish life in Hungary but need help getting it off the ground?
- Do you dream of bringing innovation and change to your Jewish community?
- Have you got a great plan but no idea how to get the right resources to implement it?
The Westbury Group is delighted to launch an intensive 3-day capacity building training workshop that will be held in Budapest on June 27-29, 2011. The workshop will focus on three aspects of resource development – financial, human and technological. It will provide participating activists with:
- Basic knowledge of realistic project budgeting
- Introductory concepts of Resource Development including creating a plan for sustainable projects, presenting your case and approaching various types of donors.
- Key elements required to successfully recruit, place, manage and motivate volunteers in non-profit organizations
- Ideas and tips for utilizing social media and new technology in order to promote, advertize and strengthen your organization and its cause.
This unique hands-on training programme will be available to approximately 20 activists or professionals with up to 3 years of experience working in Jewish organizations in Hungary, between the ages of 20-35, who will be chosen through an application process.
- Candidates must have a track record of involvement in Jewish life in their community.
- Candidates must have an idea for an innovative programme, organization or initiative that will serve a Jewish community.
- Candidates must be available to take part in the full 3 days of the workshop
The seminar will be held in English. If you would like to participate in the workshop, please complete the short questionnaire and return it by email along with a CV to [email protected] by no later than May 30th 2011.
The Westbury Group is an informal association of Jewish philanthropic organisations and individual funders with a shared concern for European Jewish life. It was founded in 2000 with the purpose of increasing the depth and scope of support for Jewish causes and programmes in Europe, other Diaspora communities and Israel. The Westbury group is committed to enabling and empowering our members to explore issues pertaining to Jewish life in Europe in new, educational and inspiring ways.
Budapest, June 27-29, 2011
Applicants will be screened on the basis of the following criteria:
- Past activity, involvement and experience in Jewish community life
- A concrete project idea that has the potential to enrich and innovate Jewish life in Hungary that applicant would like to realize (either as a full-time professional or as a volunteer)
- Command of English language
- Availability and readiness to participate in all sessions of the workshop.
Family name: First name:
Date of birth: Place of birth:
Address (Street, city, country):
Tel no. including country and area code:
E-mail address:
Languages (please indicate levels of knowledge): Please note that participation in the seminar requires a good working command of English!
Language Level
General Education:
Formal and informal Jewish and Hebrew education:
Work experience:
Volunteering experience:
Name of Project or organization:
In which field will the project operate?
- Jewish Education
- Culture and heritage
- Community development
- Social activism
- Welfare
- Jewish identity
- Other (please specify):
Please describe your project in a short paragraph (ca 5 lines):
(What are the project goals? What do you intend to do within the framework of the project? Who will benefit from it? What makes this project important and useful for the community? What is your role in the project? What is the budget for the project (if already known)? Is this project still an idea or have you started to implement it?)
How will the project enrich and innovate Jewish life in Budapest/Hungary ( ca 5 lines)?
Please describe, in a short paragraph (ca 8 lines), the community/context
in which this project will be operated – including the number of members, religious orientation (if any), history, Jewish organizations and institutions (religious, cultural, social, welfare, and educational activities).