„Considering the terrorist attack against the WTC, together with the „anti-Zionist” violence against Israel in the last 12 months it becomes clear that those who oppose global capitalism and the world of free markets, will sooner or later always get to Zionism/the Jews/Israel( the irrelevant option to be deleted). And this seems to work the opposite way as well: those who are against the Jews will put New York on the same axis with Tel Aviv – “writes László Seres on the latest events in New York.
„ Voices of hatred accompanied the conference: at the students conference held before the assembly in Durban the representatives of the International Association of Jewish Students were not even allowed to reply to the accusations. The NGO conference was accompanied by anti -Israel mass demonstrations culminating in the hatred march of 30th August: there the fifteen thousand participants lifted a Palestinian child in the air together with some children’s clothing covered with a sheet soiled with blood.”- quote from our report on the conference.
„Like all anti-western ideologies, Islamic fundamentalism used Israel as a scapegoat, just like the Soviet Union and others did before. The communism based anti-Zionist battle has lost its fervor but closely following it comes the new ideology: the hatred of Israel on a religious basis. While the Israelis watched the peace talks with their hopes up, the propaganda of hatred in Palestinian society has not diminished at all, only that the voice of Islam has taken over the lead” -comments János Gadó on the last year of the Intifada.
As a result of the federalizing politics of the reorganizing political right in Hungary, MIÉP (Hungarian Justice and Life Party), an openly anti-Semitic party supports Fidesz (Association of Young Democrats, the biggest party in the governing coalition), though this latter claims to be positioned on the center right, Fidesz is unaware of the fact that it will loose its character as a central party if – for tactical reasons – it does not distance itself from MIEP’s anti-Semitic statements – Attila Novák analyzes the political situation in Hungary.
Ádám Ganter comments on the Summer Jewish Festival: “Who is this festival targeting? Perhaps the Jewish community in Hungary? Or non Jewish Hungarians? Or Jews outside Hungary? Maybe the organizers intended it to be a tourist attraction for those Portuguese, Spanish and Oerman tourists who attended the festival events at Herzl Square?”
This month, our „Esztertáska” (Esther’s bag) section is covering the topic of Jewish marriages: Andrea Kuti explains how they have changed the usual rituals in a way that the bride and the bridegroom play an equal role. An Israeli lawyer Sharon Shenav talks about how male-centered Jewish orthodoxy is, and she describes how – often hopelessly – difficult it is for a woman wanting to divorce.
„Hot coffee and toast” is the title of the quotes from Gábor T. Szántó’s new novel to be published describing the atmosphere of anti-Zionist mock trials in 1949.
„I never encountered anti-Semitism before the war. I was ten when the war started, and everything changed. Stalin gave in to Hitler. Of course, officially there was no such thing as anti-Semitism. Even at the time when it was said that Jews are the agents of imperialists. There were terrible little anti-Semites in our school.”- says Simon Markish, literary historian and translator in an interview where he talks about how his father, Perec Markish, the great Yiddish poet was executed in 1952 in a mock trial.